BabyJem PostPartum Corset – Black S/M

BabyJem PostPartum Corset – Black S/M

BabyJem PostPartum Corset – Black S/M

BabyJem PostPartum Corset – Black S/M
SKU: 210000009012 Categories: , , Tags: , , ,


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Babyjem Postpartum Corset you can use immediately after caesarean and natural delivery. The Babyjem corset should be used throughout the day without interruption. It can also be used at night. The more it is worn, the faster the results.

SKU: 210000009012 Categories: , , Tags: , , ,


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Babyjem Postpartum Corset you can use immediately after caesarean and natural delivery. The Babyjem corset should be used throughout the day without interruption. It can also be used at night. The more it is worn, the faster the results.



•It is suitable for use while breastfeeding, steep your posture.
•You can use it immediately after a cesarean and normal birth.
•Babyjem corset should be used all day after birth.
•You can adjust the degree of tightness by yourself with side tapes.
•Thanks to its soft spongy texture, it does not disturb during movement.