Suavinex Teat Sx Pro Physiological Slow

Suavinex Teat Sx Pro Physiological Slow

Suavinex Teat Sx Pro Physiological Slow

Suavinex Teat Sx Pro Physiological Slow
SKU: 210000004961 Categories: , Tags: ,


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Flat and symmetrical · Leaves enough space for the tongue to lie in its natural position. Long neck -20mm- · reaches the junction of the hard and soft palate. Slightly curved concave base · ensures the correct position of the mouth, tongue and jaw muscles. Neck centred in relation to the base · easiest for babies who hold the bottle on their own. Ultra-soft silicone and textured finish · mimics the texture and consistency of the mother’s nipple.

SKU: 210000004961 Categories: , Tags: ,


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Flat and symmetrical · Leaves enough space for the tongue to lie in its natural position. Long neck -20mm- · reaches the junction of the hard and soft palate. Slightly curved concave base · ensures the correct position of the mouth, tongue and jaw muscles. Neck centred in relation to the base · easiest for babies who hold the bottle on their own. Ultra-soft silicone and textured finish · mimics the texture and consistency of the mother’s nipple.



SLOW FLOW · Lets a limited flow of liquid through. · Indicated for milk feeds during the first few days of life or for water later on.

MEDIUM FLOW · Lets all types of medium-density liquids through. · Ideal for milk, juice or water.

DENSE FLOW · Lets very thin purées through. · Ideal for older or hungry babies.