BabyJem Training Pants 2pk – Blue
BabyJem Training Pants 2pk – Blue
SKU: 210000007163
Categories: Bathing and cleaning, Potty training
Tags: babyjem, clothing, pottytraining
Only 1 left in stock
- Designed especially for toddlers when potty training.
- Designed to catch any accident and make little ones more confident.
- nside 80% cotton 20% polyester, outside 100% waterproof pvc. Ftalat free. 2 layers extra absorbent towel pads.
- Not for instead of diapers.
SKU: 210000007163
Categories: Bathing and cleaning, Potty training
Tags: babyjem, clothing, pottytraining
Only 1 left in stock
- Designed especially for toddlers when potty training.
- Designed to catch any accident and make little ones more confident.
- nside 80% cotton 20% polyester, outside 100% waterproof pvc. Ftalat free. 2 layers extra absorbent towel pads.
- Not for instead of diapers.