Fehn Good Night Collection Cuddle Toy Elephant

Fehn Good Night Collection Cuddle Toy Elephant

Fehn Good Night Collection Cuddle Toy Elephant

Fehn Good Night Collection Cuddle Toy Elephant
SKU: 210000008293 Categories: , , , Tags: ,


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SKU: 210000008293 Categories: , , , Tags: ,


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Snooze light & sleeping aid: cuddly toy with „glow-in-the-dark“ embroidery & night light module, for babies and toddlers 0+

  • The cuddly elephant enchants every baby heart with cute sleeping eyes, the night cap and cuddly soft materials – the perfect first friend to cuddle and fall asleep
  • Big joy for small cuddle friends: The night light and the noctilucent embroidery take away baby´s fear of the dark and convey a sense of security
  • The snooze light is perfect for orientation in bed – the gently glowing night light accompanies babies when they fall asleep and, thanks to the snooze mode, switches off automatically after a while